Thursday 10 April 2014

Nutrilite Salmon Omega 3

Very few people regularly consume deep cold sea water fish on a regular basis. As far as India is concerned, one can safely say that no one has access to deep cold sea water fish. The reason for mentioning this fact is that this fish is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA.

What makes omega-3 fats special?

1.They are vital for the health of the cells of the body. Keeping our cells healthy should be our topmost priority because our body system is made of cells.

2.They provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation ( swelling of arteries causing blood clot)

3. They help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in cancer and other conditions.

Omega-3 is a vital necessity. The food that you eat on a regular basis is a poor source of Omega-3 because you often don't get two important types of Omega-3s from that source, namely EPA and DHA ( the full forms of these names are not important to understand the significance of this article) which are vital for brain and eye health especially starting from the 7th month of a woman's pregnancy till two years after child birth. For this reason high quality Omega-3 dietary supplement such as Nutrilite Omega-3 should be a regular addition to your dietary intake.

Do not underplay nutrition in your life in fact you should spend money on non- essentials of life, such as automobiles, expensive mobile phones, expensive holidays, eating out and so on, only after saving a certain percentage of your income and investing on nutrition. Putting money on nutrition before you put money on non-essentials of life is what we mean by showing topmost priority to nutrition.

Those who want to develop their wellness business must read the report on Health and Wellness in Euromonitor International:

Euromonitor International:
Health and Wellness

Health and wellness grows on the back of expanded product ranges

In 2010, India saw a large number of new health and wellness products in niche categories as well as products targeted towards lower-income groups. This expanded the market in terms of both product range as well as consumer base.
Fortified/functional and naturally healthy food and beverages gain popularity

Health-conscious consumers are looking for products with additional benefits and nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals and now even omega-3, which offer significant health benefits. They are also opting for naturally healthy beverages such as green tea and 100% juices instead of carbonates. Better for you products on the other hand are not perceived as particularly healthy since many people equate them as being just a little less unhealthy than their regular counterparts instead of thinking them to be more healthy.
Small players dominate health and wellness food and beverages

Due to the nature of the industry, no domestic player has achieved significant national status when considering health and wellness in India. There are many minor players with products ranging across different categories. There are a large number of small players who have presence in niche categories as well as large national players that lead a particular subcategory only. For example, Hindustan Lever Ltd leads sales in reduced fat soup; Nestlé India leads high fibre noodles; and GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare leads fortified/functional hot drinks.
Increasing popularity of supermarkets driving health and wellness

Supermarkets provide an excellent opportunity for manufacturers to make their products easily visible to consumers. Hence health and wellness manufacturers can easily create awareness about their products without recourse to expensive advertising. Since supermarkets are fast becoming the preferred shopping destination for many people, the popularity of health and wellness food and beverages is following suit.
Healthy growth is expected

Small sales base aside, due to increased consumer awareness and growing health concerns, health and wellness food and beverages in India are expected to grow at a healthy rate. New launches suited to Indian tastes and easily affordable will further drive growth in the health and wellness industry.
Fatty Diets May Be Associated With Reduced Semen Quality

Men's diets, in particular the amount and type of different fats they eat, could be associated with their semen quality according to the results of a study published online in the journal Human Reproduction.
The study of 99 men in the USA found an association between a high total fat intake and lower total sperm count and concentration. It also found that men who ate more omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (the type of fat often found in fish and plant oils) had better formed sperm than men who ate less.

Professor Jill Attaman, who was a Clinical and Research Fellow in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School at the time of the research* said: "In the meantime, if men make changes to their diets so as to reduce the amount of saturated fat they eat and increase their omega-3 intake, then this may not only improve their general health, but could improve their reproductive health too. At a global level, adopting these lifestyle modifications may improve general health, as high saturated fat diets are known to be a risk factor for a range of cardiovascular diseases; but, in addition, our research suggests that it could be beneficial for reproductive health worldwide."

The men were divided into three groups according to the amount of fats they consumed. Those in the third with the highest fat intake had a 43% lower total sperm count and 38% lower sperm concentration than men in the third with the lowest fat intake. "Total sperm count" is defined as the total number of sperm in the ejaculate, while "sperm concentration" is defined as the concentration of sperm (number per unit volume). The World Health Organisation provides a definition of "normal" total sperm count and concentration as follows: the total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 39 million; the concentration of spermatozoa should be at least 15 million per ml.

Although this study is on a small scale but it does show how imbalanced food intake can reduce the quality of life itself. Lack of omega-3 in diets and lack of awareness of the same lead to less than optimal health.

It is desirable to get the required amount of quality omega-3 from natural sources as the best natural source is salmon fish from deep cold waters and as many people don't eat fish or like eating fish or cannot ensure quality and amount because the oilier the fish, the more omega-3 fatty acids it contains. And the healthier oilier type fish are usually the ones that live in deep, cold Ocean waters.Now its highly unlikely that you can ensure the availability of this kind of fish from the marketplace. Therefore your best bet is to supplement with high quality omega-3 supplement like Nutrilite's Salmon Omega-3

Nutrilite™ fish oil is better that the competitors’ because:•Nutritlite fish oil is molecularly distilled to ensure the highest purity oil• While most competitors use 18/12 fish oil, Nutrilite™ uses the higher quality 40/20 oil to deliver more of the EFA(essential fatty acid) in less soft gels. The higher the concentration of EPA & DHA, the more beneficial and costlier the product becomes.• Nutritlite fish oil can be guaranteed fresh because they have gone the extra mile of adding vitamin E to preserve freshness and help protect the oils against oxidative rancidity• Some people do not like the "fishy burp," which is one reason why some people do not take fish oil• Nutrilite fish oils are tested to ensure that they are free from pollutants• You get more value for your money because of the higher percentage of the essential fatty acids in the oil. The higher the concentration of EPA & DHA, the more beneficial and costlier the product becomes.•To offset the cost fewer capsules are required to meet increased needs.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid to:
Lower triglycerides by inhibiting lipogenesis and stimulating fatty acid oxidation in the liver*• Supports regular heart beats• Helps to maintain normal blood flow*• Maintain a healthy blood pressure*• Help stabilize support vitality and general feelings of well-being*• Support the immune system.

Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease*
Omega-3s Inhibit Breast Cancer Tumor Growth, Study Finds

Science Daily,
Feb. 21, 2013 — A lifelong diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit growth of breast cancer tumours by 30 per cent, according to new research from the University of Guelph.

The study, published recently in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, is believed to be the first to provide unequivocal evidence that omega-3s reduce cancer risk.

"It's a significant finding," said David Ma, a professor in Guelph's Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, and one of the study's authors.

"We show that lifelong exposure to omega-3s has a beneficial role in disease prevention -- in this case, breast cancer prevention. What's important is that we have proven that omega-3s are the driving force and not something else."

Breast cancer remains the most common form of cancer in women worldwide and is the second leading cause of female cancer deaths.

Advocates have long believed diet may significantly help in preventing cancer. But epidemiological and experimental studies to back up such claims have been lacking, and human studies have been inconsistent, Ma said.

"There are inherent challenges in conducting and measuring diet in such studies, and it has hindered our ability to firmly establish linkages between dietary nutrients and cancer risk," he said.

"So we've used modern genetic tools to address a classic nutritional question."

For their study, the researchers created a novel transgenic mouse that both produces omega-3 fatty acids and develops aggressive mammary tumours. The team compared those animals to mice genetically engineered only to develop the same tumours.

"This model provides a purely genetic approach to investigate the effects of lifelong omega-3s exposure on breast cancer development," Ma said.

"To our knowledge, no such approach has been used previously to investigate the role of omega-3s and breast cancer."

Mice producing omega-3s developed only two-thirds as many tumours -- and tumours were also 30-per-cent smaller -- as compared to the control mice.

"The difference can be solely attributed to the presence of omega-3s in the transgenic mice -- that's significant," Ma said.

"The fact that a food nutrient can have a significant effect on tumour development and growth is remarkable and has considerable implications in breast cancer prevention."

Known as an expert in how fats influence health and disease, Ma hopes the study leads to more research on using diet to reduce cancer risk and on the benefits of healthy living.

"Prevention is an area of growing importance. We are working to build a better planet, and that includes better lifestyle and diet," he said.

"The long-term consequences of reducing disease incidence can have a tremendous effect on the health-care system."

The study also involved lead author Mira MacLennan, a former U of G graduate student who is now studying medicine at Dalhousie University; U of G pathobiology professor Geoffrey Wood; former Guelph graduate students Shannon Clarke and Kate Perez; William Muller from McGill University; and Jing Kang from Harvard Medical School.

Funding for this research came from the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance/Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Research Fund.

Fish oil contains essential fatty acids known as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The two main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been shown to influence important biological functions. DHA is the predominant structural fatty acid in the central nervous system and in the retina of the eyes. Thus, the availability of DHA is crucial for fetal and brain development and is also important for the maintenance of brain functions in adult life. DHA also helps to maintain brain fluidity and may help in the maintenance of cognitive functions. Some studies suggest that adequate DHA supports vision.

Omega-3s Reduce the Rate of Mental Aging

UCLA (University of California,Los Angeles) researchers took blood samples from 1,575 participants in the long-running Framingham Offspring cohort to measure levels of the key omega-3s in fish (EPA and DHA). These were then compared to performance on cognitive tests and MRI scans of the brain. Participants with the lowest omega-3 levels scored significantly worse on tests of visual memory, executive function and abstract thinking than those in the top three-quarters of omega-3. Lower blood levels of omega-3s were also associated with smaller brain volumes - "equivalent to about 2 years of structural brain aging," scientists concluded.

If you live on autopilot as most of us do that is caring very little about the requirements of the internal organs of our body then you are not helping yourself to get the best of you. The ambition of attaining optimal health which begins by updating yourself on health matters and following it up should equal if not surpass your ambition to attain a higher social status.


If you need further information on the products, kindly email me at or

1 comment:

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