Getting started with Amway!!!

I had heard about Amway products long time back. I would squinch at the sight of an Amway distributor whom i knew coming my way knowing that he would try to thrust the concept or the products on me. Three years back, we used to stay in the far end of St no.8, habsiguda primarily Ramanthapur when Mr. Nama our landlord had tried umpteen time to convince me to get into this business or try the products but i was hell bent on not having time and effort left after managing work as well as a toddler.

But when my child started growing up, i went through all the woes of a working women what she undergoes single handedly like a Pediasure becomes a must when the child is sick and not eating, child getting sick off and on if she goes to day care. Sometimes working becomes a curse and money does not seem to be everything but what matters is the child.

One of my friends now moved to Ahmedabad, related a story similar to mine wherein she was working in Delhi in a software company. When she had a child, he was relegated to the care of his grandparents but still he was quite a weak child. She was finding ways to improve his health as always but to no avail. Which is when she decided that she will leave her job and take care of him full time. Though her husband wanted a working woman quite unlike the MCP kinds but she was adamant to give this a shot.

This is when some family friends also Amway distributors introduced her to Amway Nutrilite powder  . She first tried to use that in milk but it had a neutral taste so she tried using that in the atta which we knead for preparing chapatis. So this gives a total protein diet to the entire family. Apart from that she has started giving him the Amway multivitamin multimineral chewable tablets so that he being a fussy eater does not have to let go of the nutritional elements required for the day.

In fact she was telling that her elder sister who is now settled in US always uses Amway cosmetics, may it be the cleanser, toner and moisturiser. She also recommended using Amway lippies which are way too economical than the others in the market and also good for lip health. She had become an Amway distributor for just purchasing the quality products for her family and not for building business by generating downlines and stuff.

After talking to her, i thought of giving this a try. I logged in to the site and filled up a form so that someone contacts me as i did not want to depend on a distributor to purchase products. I would like to purchase products impromptu by becoming a distributor of the same. After a day or so, i received a call and the registration process was simple like an existing Amway distributor has to register you via their login id. However to continue being a distributor you have to make a purchase of minimum of Rs. 4000 worth products of Amway to get lifetime membership in India (whether you make business or use it for personal benefits)

So, here we go I started. This was about two months back and the journey has been incredible with quality products and happy family!!! 

Avoid being on permanent medication, think of your health before you lose it. People in the higher income bracket who are supposed to be better educated, better informed and so on are more prone to all types of degenerative diseases like cardiac arrest, diabetes, cancer and so on. And it is this class of people who take the greatest pride in their academic and financial successes! How can they be proud of anything if they are so unhealthy?

When we claim that we are healthy,we generally say that on the basis of our not falling prey to any major ailment but this is a very narrow view of health. It is very important to focus on your heart health.Hot humid climate makes your heart beat faster and pump harder without your even knowing about it.You need Omega-3,antioxidants,lean muscle building protein like soy & minerals to strengthen your heart to take the extra load.

Wellness is both an opportunity to optimize your health as well as your wealth
You can optimize your health by being in a wellness programme. Wellness programme consists of authentic information and education as well as solutions. The solution is often in the form of improved diet and dietary supplements. Dietary supplement becomes a part of the solution because it ensures the availability of essential nutrients in the required amount culled from sources that are rich in essential nutrients . We need to take protein supplement to ensure the availability of all nine amino acids , omega 3 through dietary supplement becomes important because we don’t get enough of it from our normal diet and multivitamin and minerals supplementation also become essential to ensure the availability of 13 vitamins and 11 minerals in the required quantity then there are special needs that have to fulfilled for which supplementation may be needed for example calcium especially for growing children and adults too, iron folic especially for females who are 13 years or above. Thus highly nutritious diet ought to be supported by dietary supplements of high quality. When it comes to nutrition ,you cannot compromise on quality. We recommend Nutrilite dietary supplements. When you follow a wellness programme you will obviously look healthier, fitter and younger this will invoke the admiration of people who know you and people who desire similar health benefits may like to know how you did it? And you can always initiate them to the wellness programme by sponsoring them. This will result in the development of a network under you. As achieving optimum health entails the consumption of dietary supplements the sale of Nutrilite supplements will result in a residual income. How the income is generated and how it is distributed in your network will have to be understood by seeing the marketing plan of Amway India Enterprises as Nutrilite products are sold through the Amway marketing system.
You can also email us to know more. Our email id is or call me on 09885110180(drop the zero if you are calling from Andhra pradesh) or give a call at 09582005276 (drop the zero if you are calling from Delhi/NCR


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